Learn about VAT with the X-VAT Academy
The X-VAT Academy is a specialist VAT e-learning platform with a combination of basic and professional courses.
We offer a range of VAT courses, both at basic and professional level.
Our Ethos is technical excellence in VAT and our aim is to provide expert and practical online training in the tax.
Ready to get started?

Basic VAT
A range of introductory courses for junior staff or business owners who need to know more about VAT.

A range of professional courses for accountants and advisers to enable them to understand VAT in the context of advising clients in various aspects of the tax, or in relation to specific business sectors.
Train your staff in
VAT can be simple but there are many business sectors where it is anything but. With our online courses you can be sure that you or your staff are getting the most up to date perspective on the tax possible. Our courses are not just about knowledge but about using that knowledge in practical ways to help you or your clients.
How can we help you?
If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact us using the form, email or call us.
Who are X-VAT?
We are a specialist VAT Consultancy with a wealth of experience and expertise in the tax.
Why X-VAT?
We have a background in training accountants and professional advisers in a conventional classroom setting and we have adapted that experience to our online training.
Is it just VAT?
Yes, we are VAT specialists and can provide the best possible insight into the tax in a practical context.
How much does it cost?
Our pricing structure is open and transparent and each course is priced according to the value to the student (please see our Course List for more information).
Does it qualify as CPD?
An important question and the answer is not yet, but we are working on it.
Can we get other help from X-VAT?
Yes, we can help with a whole range of VAT services including consultancy and advice, VAT software and disputes with HMRC.



Address - X-VAT Ltd
Exchange Place, 2, 5 Semple Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8BL